5 Warning Smells that Mean Trouble for Your Car

No one likes a stinky car. But what do some common car smells mean? Sometimes it’s more than just an unpleasant smell – it could mean it’s time to make an auto repair appointment to ensure you don’t have a bigger problem. Regular car maintenance can keep many of these at bay but it’s still good to pay attention when you notice any of these smells coming from your car.

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Burning Rubber

Just go down a big hill and use your brakes? Now you notice a smell like burning rubber? It’s not uncommon for your brake pads to overheat when they’re engaged for longer periods of time or more pressure is used than normal. The friction between your brake pads and rotors naturally creates heat that can cause a burning smell after prolonged use.


Check Your Brake Pads

If you notice a burning smell after braking, it’s a good idea to pull over and avoid using your brakes too much. You can get out and take a look at your brake pads – if they’re smoking, you definitely need to give them some time to cool down. Sometimes, your brake pads will get back to normal on their own, though there will be a period of time where they seem less efficient. In more serious cases, you may need to schedule an appointment to get new brake pads installed by a mechanic.

Brake disc and pads

Hot Oil or Gasoline

While smelling gas could be from recently re-fueling your car, it could also be a sign of leaks in your fuel injection line or vent hose. A similar smell, that of hot oil, could mean that you have oil dripping onto your hot exhaust manifold.

Have a Mechanic Check for an Oil or Fuel Leak

You can check for spots under your car where oil has dripped. If you see oil spots, it’s especially important to make a car repair appointment with your mechanic to get the problem fixed as soon as possible. Fuel is highly flammable and oil leaks can lead to major engine repairs.

Fuel injection pump

Sweet Syrup

A more surprising smell you may encounter is a sweet, syrupy smell, like that of maple syrup. If you notice this smell while driving, it’s likely you have a coolant leak. And if you’re smelling it in the cabin of your car, it’s probably leaking onto part of your radiator.

Car coolant

Take a Look at Your Coolant

Checking your coolant is easy. Make sure your engine is cool then pop your hood and find the cap with an image that looks like a thermometer on it. There should be a line marking an adequate level of coolant and the coolant itself should be visible through the side of the container. If your coolant level is low and you’re smelling syrup while driving, it’s a good sign you have a leak that must be diagnosed and repaired by a mechanic.

Rotten Eggs

No one loves the smell of rotten eggs, especially when it means trouble for your car. If you start noticing this smell while driving, there are a couple of different likely culprits and it’ll take a mechanic to figure out the problem.

You May Need a New Catalytic Converter

Two of the most likely causes are your fuel injector and your catalytic converter. If your catalytic converter is failing, it’s a serious car repair for your emissions system. It helps reduce toxic gases and pollutants that are put out into the environment through your exhaust. That’s why it can lead to some foul smells if it’s failing and less able to do its job.

Muffler & exhaust

Musty Socks

Unless you have an open gym bag on your passenger’s seat, that musty smell is more likely coming from your air conditioning system. If mildew has started forming inside your air conditioning system, then that’s exactly what’s causing that smell to filter into the cabin of your car.

Have Your Air Conditioning System Inspected

Part of your regular car maintenance schedule should be the full cleaning of your air conditioning system. Over time, moisture can build up and lead to the growth of mildew, which is both unpleasant to smell and also not great to inhale every time you drive your car. Luckily, this cleaning service is easy to schedule and relatively painless for your wallet.

A/C Controls

Smell Something Unpleasant While Driving? Call AAMCO Boise

Whatever new smell you’ve noticed, it’s time to schedule a visit to your local trusted mechanic for an auto repair service. Any strange smell is a sign of a larger issue. Luckily, when caught early, many of these car repair services are easy for your mechanic to diagnose and repair.

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Our Boise Auto Repair & Transmission Repair Locations

AAMCO Boise - West State St

AAMCO Boise West State St.

3401 W. State St.
Boise, ID 83703

Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am - 5pm

AAMCO Boise - Fairview Ave

AAMCO Fairview Ave

8486 Fairview Ave.
Boise, ID 83704Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am - 5pm



705 12th Avenue Rd.
Nampa, ID 83686Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am - 5pm